
My girl and her friend

Published June 4, 2024 tag category
My girl and her friend

Unlocking the door very quietly and slipping through with hardly a sound.

"Thank god I oiled the hinges in preparation!" I silently breathed out closing the door behind me.
"Now to see if my suspicions are correct!"

I knew my girlfriends perfume, knew the aroma of her body lotion and the smell of her scent because I bought them for her but for the last few nights there had been a different scent in the house mixing with hers. The scent of Aftershave!

Creeping silently through to the Lounge, looking through the open door to the Study and finding both rooms empty. Walking toward the stairs and "cocking" an ear upward and still no sound came to my senses. But wait! Yes, there was the sound of Sandra's giggle! Low, but undeniably hers! Then the sound of her sighing ... softly!

Placing one foot after another I ascended the stairs, planting each foot carefully, testing my weight on the creaking stairs so as not to make a sound. Reaching the Landing, peering round the banister post and catching sight of our bedroom door cracked open a touch and the soft light coming through .... along with another soft moan! And another ... then the sound of the bed creaking as if a weight had just climbed onto it. I could just discern a voice, manly and rough sounding, talking and murmuring.

"Come ... beauty ... open your legs .... let me taste you ..... " Sandra moaning and again the bed creaked!
"The !" I cursed under my breath, "She's fucking done it this time!" My vehemence about to overspill into action. But I held myself in check. "C'mon, it might not be so ... " but in my heart I knew it was!

Quietly hurrying to the door, pushing it open a little more ... and through the crack watching the scene unfolding inside.

There lay my Sandra, naked on the bed her high breasts jiggling and tremoring as her arms pressed them together, nipples reaching straining upward from her perfect globes. A look of sheer pleasure etched on her pretty face, moans of delight coming from her open mouth, tongue flicking out and rolling over her luscious lips. 

Pushing the door open wider still seeing her knees bent and parted with her toes resting flat on the bedsheets, her hands pressing down hard on the mane of dark hair between her thighs. Hair belonging to the man kneeling between her open legs, his face buried in her snatch! His ass high in the air I could see his rampant cock hanging down between his legs, throbbing, his balls tight and his thigh muscles quivering as he moved up and down between Sandra's outstretched legs.

Standing there transfixed in the doorway .... my emotions mixing ... I was becoming aroused ..... I shouldn't have been but I was! Watching my crying out in pleasure as the man rolled his face up and down her love groove .... the sound of his tongue filling her juicy cunt ... her squeals of pleasure as his fingers worked alongside his lips, pushing up inside her snatch, rolling her cuntlips between finger and thumb .... biting on her clit!

Working his other hand along her inner thigh, kneading the soft delicate flesh, nipping and caressing her smooth skin. Raising his head from her cunt, immediately placing his hands there, a finger rubbing in her groove, parting her succulent pussylips .... the sparse hairs above her cunt glistening with her juices and his saliva. Stroking a finger into her wide open lips ... vigorously rubbing her swollen clit eliciting soft moans and a louder groan as she twisted her hips, gyrated her ass onto his thrusting finger buried now inside her cunt!

Thrusting again, humping against his finger, another one joining the first ... again thrusting and yet again as he pushed a third finger inside her overflowing, juice-filled love grotto! Pounding into her crack, pushing and ramming them harder and faster as Sandra cried out in release! Cumming hard, cumming fast, humping and gyrating against his frigging fingers!
"Aaahhhh .... Ohhhh god, oh god! Yes ..... Ohhhh!" She cried impaling herself again and again onto his ramming hand! 

I stood there in the doorway, wanting to stop the action but getting more and more aroused by the second! My girlfriend, in his arms, crying out her lust as she climaxed longer, harder and .... Deeper than I had ever managed to make her cum!

Rising from his place between her shaking thighs, beginning to climb up her body, his lips and tongue snaking out to lick and caress her stomach, upward to her tits, clamping his lips round her stiff nipple. At that moment I saw the Tattoo on his arm. A Tattoo I knew only too well! 

My HUSBANDS!!!!!!!